At Home Remedies every Mom should know

At Home Remedies every Mom should know
I recently read an article in the Ami Living magazine with a number of Home remedies sited that supposedly really work! I found it to be fascinating!! Sometimes when medicinal cures are un-applicable, we can revert back to home remedies to help cure us. These home remedies include things we all have readily available to us on a daily basis.However I did not actually try all of them except for the one with the onions near my daughters bed ( long story short it didn’t go too well because she got really upset when she woke to find an onion near her face in middle of the night)
I reached out to the Editor of the Ami Magazine- a family living magazine, so that I can share all of these home remedies with you all. Some of these remedies you may have heard of before. If any of you try them and find that they really work please reach out and share!!
- Chicken Soup cures the common cold- This one we all find to be true!
- Black Tea relieves sunburn. Soak a tea bag in water then let it cool in the fridge .Rub the cold tea and tea bag all over your reddened skin. One of the reasons It works is because the tea soothes the skin and prevents it from peeling.
- Toothpaste treats pimples. Wash your face and put a dab of toothpaste on your pimple. Leave the toothpaste on for a few hours then wash it off. The toothpaste works because it dried the oils out and the hydrogen peroxide helps kill bacteria.
- Yogurt rids of Bad breath. Yogurt has beneficial bacteria that fights off the bacteria that causes bad breath. All you gotta do is eat some yogurt!
- Olives help with Nausea. Weather it be morning sickness or motion sickness- or a mix of both- olives can help you avoid that sinking stomach feeling-so add some to your shopping list!
- Potatoes cure spider bites. Shred or cut a raw potato and wrap it in a cheesecloth then place it over the bite.
- Onions cure the common cold. Cut onions and put them in your socks overnight. Your cold will be gone by morning. Apparently, the onion works by absorbing toxins from your body. I was too much of a chicken to do this to my daughter- and I was afraid of her reaction. So instead I cut an onion and put it at her bedside table. She didn’t give it a chance to work because she woke up screaming in the middle of the night and we were forced to move it LOL.
- Vegetable Oil strengthens nails. Apply the oil to your hands and cover them with gloves. Go to bed.
- Fight your common cold with wet socks. Yup you heard it-wet your socks! Soak your feet in hot water- then put on socks that have been soaked in ice water. Go to sleep and wake up cold free. Since this sounds slightly insane, let me explain. The cold will make your blood vessels constrict and will better oxygenate your body.As a result, you bones, muscles, and organs will receive the nutrition they need to fight off the cold.
- A spoonful of sugar gets rid of hiccups. As simple as that. Your kids will love this one
- Banana Peels soothe Poison Ivy
- Baking Soda relieves heartburn. It might taste gross but apparently it works better than Tums. Baking Soda is a natural antacid.
- Apples are nature's toothbrushes. Apples have a gentle malic acid that helps dissolve stains.
- Garlic combats allergies. Garlic contains a natural antihistamine and can be helpful with allergies. Slice it up and eat it on crackers.
- Whiten your teeth with lemon juice and baking soda. Make a paste and apply to your teeth for a few minutes every day.
- Ginger aids digestion and helps tremendously against nausea (morning sickness included)
- Peppermint lowers stress. Feeling stressed, tired, or out of it? Chew some gum it should help.